Way of the rat vs. Mamba

Started by anjinsanus, March 24, 2014, 11:08:15 PM

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I don't think I'm interpreting MME data correctly here, and if not, I'm making a lot of incorrect conclusions.
Way of the rat is poison immunity +86 (at level 43).  The mamba poison spell is poison 30-80.
Either the number is a %, in which case I'm confused, but I get why the spell would hit, or it's a level (like spell immunity, sort of), and I shouldn't be hit.

If I resist a poison spell because of rat, would I even know it?

-Efa, or beaver, or whoever I'm purported to be

For poison immu you don't resist the poison cast. You still have the effect listed but are able to rest and you don't get the negative ticks. I don't think rat, kang, or headdress work any differently in this regard.

Quote from: anjinsanus on March 24, 2014, 11:08:15 PM
I don't think I'm interpreting MME data correctly here, and if not, I'm making a lot of incorrect conclusions.
Way of the rat is poison immunity +86 (at level 43).  The mamba poison spell is poison 30-80.
Either the number is a %, in which case I'm confused, but I get why the spell would hit, or it's a level (like spell immunity, sort of), and I shouldn't be hit.

If I resist a poison spell because of rat, would I even know it?

-Efa, or beaver, or whoever I'm purported to be

Ok off hand I don't have all the info on this stuff with me..SO from memory..

There is the ability poison seen in spells that effects you HP tick by lowering it by the parameter value.  So if you were going to have a 20 hp tick, but are effected with poison with a value of 40, you'd tick -20.

There is a spell type poison.  Other spell types include auto-combat and general.  Poison is the same as general accept that it generates the bright red You are poisoned! message on the stat screen and prevents resting.

There is a poison type damage,  similar to hot, cold, stone, lightning.  It differs from normal type damage in that it is elemental and thus resistible by a %.

The ability immupoison has several effects.  It prevents the spell type poison from generating the You are poisoned message, and prevents the you cannot rest now status.  Note: In mmud a spell that successfully poisons you is always placed in the 10th active spell slot.  The game checks for a poison type spell in the 10th slot, if its there the status screen message is generated.  This is why you can only have resting prevented by 1 spell at a time in mmud.  So if you were biten by a spider and poisoned then stung by a killerbee and poisoned.  The spider bite would wear off, you'd still have killerbee poison but be able to rest.  Anyway we don't mimic most of this behavior, for multiple reasons.  So there are probably some inconsistencies you may notice if you are aware of this behavior.

The ability immupoison provides a % based chance to resist a spell that uses the poison ability.

And finally the damage type poison is reduced by a % depending on the value of immupoison.  So immupoison=rcol=rfir=rlit in this regard, Immupoison 50 reduces damage by 50%...etc

Its very possible I've made a mistake in this,  you'd really need to sit down and test everything quite methodically as it gets a little confusing with so many things using the same name.

That is not straightforward at all.  But that's mud's fault.  At least I now know that rat IS useful, just not in the way and to the degree which I had hoped.

Thanks for the clarification, guys

New similar problem.  I just scored the golden headdress and tried scripting the massive web.  I didn't get one combat in before I was poisoned.  The headdress has ImmuPoison +100, so that should be me totally immune to all poisons, right?

Quote from: anjinsanus on July 04, 2014, 01:34:51 PM
New similar problem.  I just scored the golden headdress and tried scripting the massive web.  I didn't get one combat in before I was poisoned.  The headdress has ImmuPoison +100, so that should be me totally immune to all poisons, right?

Did you try resting and/or track to see if your HPs were dropping or did you just assume that because you got poisoned or got the poisoned message that you had actually gotten poisoned?

Yeah, that was the issue.  I wasn't paying attention to the HP's (partly because the first couple times, mega would cure it right away.
So, the flag is there on my status, but I can rest and everything. 
And now I know.