Mystic Combat Speeds / crits

Started by LlamaKing, July 06, 2014, 01:15:46 PM

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I've searched the forums for a bit on this, and can't seem to find a (current) answer. 

GMud obviously has significant differences from MMud, and one that I am noticing is significantly lower crits (and a likely associated sixth swing).  I am not seeing as much scaling with regards to the old way QnD would have worked.  Some forum posts point to (1000 - energy for 6 swings) / 50 = crit bonus.  If this is still the case, does anyone have the current numbers being used for speed for Punch, Kick and Jumpkick? 

If this is not the case, can anyone enlighten me to the current combat mechanic for mystic?  They feel very different than they used to.

Thanks all!

Either V and/or DC know these. Please post em so I can put them n my gmud info txt file?

The speed of their attacks is the same but the bonus from qnd is much smaller and reg mud. I don't know how much crit bonus from qnd is possible.

Mystics do get the shaft. Fast attacks with a very small crit bonus from qnd and can't bash. Bash > attack now. Thank DC later.

I'll have to qq for the poor weak mystics later.  If you had a weapon that was so fast that it took 0 nrg to get 6 swings, you'd get +20 crits.   Thats the theoretical max.  While there are situations in which you'll do less overall damage with this setup, in general it will be fairly similar damage over the life of a character but this avoids the weird power spikes qnd caused.  I guess thats assuming everything is working correctly until I play a mystic its just a guess.  Its hard to rely on many of the the 'reports' I get cause they so often post vague information followed by wild conclusions like...exorcism is spell 1367, so why am I poisoned?

Hypothetically, if working correctly, what qnd bonus would a 56 mystic swinging 8.6207 swings?

If LlamaKing's formula is correct and ju is 1900 speed then 302 energy is left over for +6 crits.

A level 90 mystic is getting up to around +11 crits.

Also the new crit formula does NOT take Encumbrance into account other than to increase the energy required to swing.  You can get more than 10% crit even if you are running medium.