Kill Will Vol. 1

Started by TheDude, July 19, 2014, 07:58:10 PM

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Shadow just entered the Realm.
Shadow walks into the room from nowhere.
Plaster Hallway
Also here: Sera, Nysander, Shadow*.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, southwest
[HP=357]:smash Shadow
*Combat Engaged*
The following people are in your travel party:
  Silmaril FYM                  (Witchunter)           [H:100%]     - Frontrank
  Sera Fina                      (Priest)      [M: 96%] [H:100%]     - Frontrank
  Nysander SexMachine            (Warrior)              [H:100%]     - Frontrank
Nysander is searching the area.
Nysander moves to attack Shadow.
You skewer Shadow for 118 damage!
Nysander slices Shadow for 148 damage!
Shadow drops to the ground!
Shadow is dead.
Nysander just destroyed Shadow!
*Combat Off*
Plaster Hallway
You notice 7 platinum pieces, 50 gold crowns, severed head of Goru-Nezar,
rainbow stone, wyvernhide pants, wyvernhide helm, stormmetal bracers, silver
bracelet, hard leather gauntlets, ironwood shield, carved ivory mask, hardened
leather boots, fur-lined pouch, witchwood breastplate, rope and grapple, black
star key, turquoise ring, crimson cloak, starsteel mace, copper amulet here.
Also here: Sera, Nysander.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, southwest
Knowone gossips: Nysander ,KILLED Shadow...destroyed!!!
BLACK gossips: ***Nysander > Shadow, PWND!***
[HP=357]:g 7 platinum piece
You picked up 7 platinum pieces
Tiny gossips: let the boddies hit the floor
Sera picks up some gold crowns
Your command had no effect.
Shadow gossips:

Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 100 0 118 0 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  118 [/shadow]