Caveworm 3fer

Started by TheDude, July 26, 2014, 04:03:52 AM

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Mirror moves to attack fierce cave worm.
[HP=250/MA=106]:bs rum
Fathead just left to the east.
The feeling of heroism wears off.
A dark cloud passes over you
*Combat Engaged*
Fathead walks into the room from the east.
Fathead just left to the east.
You surprise skewer Rummage for 106 damage!
Rummage drops to the ground!
Mirror impales fierce cave worm for 9 damage!
Mirror slashes fierce cave worm for 4 damage!
Mirror skewers fierce cave worm for 7 damage!
Mirror skewers fierce cave worm for 7 damage!
Mirror impales fierce cave worm for 5 damage!
The fierce cave worm lunges at Rummage!
[HP=250/MA=106]:(Dmg:106 Tot:198)
*Combat Off*
Rummage is dead.

Dark Cave
You notice hard leather gauntlets, hard leather helm, rigid leather pants, silk cape, fingerbone bracelet, padded black boo
ts, amethyst ring, gianthair vest,
glowing broadsword, bone key, 10 turquoise potions here.
Also here: Mirror, Fathead, big cave worm.
Obvious exits: east
*Combat Engaged*
You surprise pierce Fathead for 115 damage!
Mirror impales big cave worm for 3 damage!
Mirror skewers big cave worm for 9 damage!
Mirror skewers big cave worm for 8 damage!
Mirror slashes big cave worm for 7 damage!
The cave worm collapes with a dull thump.
[HP=250/MA=92]:(Dmg:115 Tot:313)
*Combat Off*
Fathead drops to the ground!
Fathead is dead.
Fathead just disconnected!!!
Mirror attempts to cast mend, but fails.

Attempting to hide...
[HP=250/MA=98]:bs mir
A dark cloud passes over you
*Combat Engaged*
Nysander gangpaths: nice
You surprise impale Mirror for 87 damage!
Mirror drops to the ground!
Mirror is dead.
Silmaril just crushed Mirror!
*Combat Off*
Knowone gossips: Silmaril ,KILLED Mirror...crushed!!!
Mirror just disconnected!!!
Tiny gossips: let the boddies hit the floor
Dark Cave
You notice hard leather gauntlets, rigid leather pants, hard leather helm,
fingerbone bracelet, padded black boots, mithril ring, belt of might, ivory
bracers, short-spear, red rose, bone key, gianthair vest, bone charm here.
Obvious exits: west, southeast
The room is dimly lit
[HP=250/MA=98]:gb and 3
Silmaril gangpaths: and 3
Dark Cave
You notice hard leather gauntlets, rigid leather pants, hard leather helm,
fingerbone bracelet, padded black boots, mithril ring, belt of might, ivory
bracers, short-spear, red rose, bone key, gianthair vest, bone charm here.
Obvious exits: west, southeast
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 0 0 0 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  308 [/shadow]