Pyramid / Hard trainer

Started by anjinsanus, August 22, 2014, 03:44:02 PM

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Am I misinterpreting this, or does MME show that the 3rd floor of the pyramid and the hard trainer are linked through room 12/2018 using a greater black dragon scale (whatever that is, it's not in the game).

This is a DOOR type exit with parameters 2,-999,1979,1980.

On a door type exit, parameter 1, is the current state of the door and changes dynamically.  In this case, state 2 is closed and locked.  Parameter 2, is the dificulty -999 makes opening the door impossible without an edited character.  Parameter 3 is how long the door stays this case the door when opened stays open for 1979x5 minutes.  Parameter 4 is the key that will open this door.

I suspect that at some point in the planning of this area this was going to be a HIDDEN type exit.  If thats the case, parameter 3 and parameter 4 would be the message that the room sees when the door is opened, and 4, the message displayed in the obvious exist text.   If it is of any interest to you, 1979 One of the doors creaks! and 1980 open door %s(the %s would be a direction, in this case open door north).  So you're reading what mmud explorer is telling you correctly, but mmud explorer isn't telling you something that is true.  greater black dragon scale isn't a key, it won't open a door even if you had one.  MMUD explorer has a number of minor bugs like this that show up in a rare cases.

Huh.  So there was meant to be something here, but mod10 never happened, so it's just left over.  Fun stuff.
Thanks for the info.

Quote from: anjinsanus on August 23, 2014, 01:05:35 AM
Huh.  So there was meant to be something here, but mod10 never happened, so it's just left over.  Fun stuff.
Thanks for the info.
The pyramid is mod-4, so its more likely from a number of unfinished projects my guess is the guild quests expansion.

Quote from: Stalkerr on August 23, 2014, 03:04:25 AM
The pyramid is mod-4, so its more likely from a number of unfinished projects my guess is the guild quests expansion.

Mod 6 ParaMUD Reference and Downloads

Quote from: anjinsanus on August 25, 2014, 07:05:24 PM
Guild quests expansion?

This was the last area developed by wcc before metro bought mmud.  In the code you can find references to a few expansions that were never made.  I assume this was something planned by wcc and not metro because the only code chnge metro made was changing a 10 to 14.