Latest Release - 8-31-14 - Notes

Started by Stalkerr, August 31, 2014, 07:36:16 PM

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August 31, 2014, 07:36:16 PM Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 10:10:18 PM by Stalkerr

Adjusted Mob Follow RoutinesFollower type movement will now attempt to follow if no leader present
FearYou can no longer use combat while feared - Apparently sometimes this last forever.  GG
Allow GossipFixed a formatting error in 'Pro'file
SlownessAdjusted delay value for slowness
ConfusionAdded a brief input delay for when confusion interrupts an input
Spell Messages 3rd party spell damage should now display properly
Crowbars Crowbars are now slightly more exciting. (slums warehouse can be opened now)
PoisonYour party should now be aware of your poisoned status.

I liked Fear the way it was before.  I know its closer to majormud this way, but feels like the length of fear needs to be reduced. 

Quote from: Hayden on September 01, 2014, 09:38:46 AM
I liked Fear the way it was before.  I know its closer to majormud this way, but feels like the length of fear needs to be reduced.

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