Black smackdown

Started by TheDude, September 13, 2014, 02:55:26 AM

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*Combat Off*
You sing the song of stunning to BLACK!
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
[HP=453/MA=158]:bs black
*Combat Engaged*
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
You hurl your chakram and strike BLACK for 11 damage!
You critically hurl your chakram and strike BLACK for 95 damage!
You misses at BLACK, but he dodges out of the way!
You critically hurl your chakram and strike BLACK for 146 damage!
You misses at BLACK, but he dodges out of the way!
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
[HP=453/MA=158]:(Dmg:252 Tot:573)
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
Shadow Fist Temple, Meditation Chamber
You notice 22 gold crowns, brass knuckles here.
Also here: BLACK*.
Obvious exits: east
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
BLACK moves to attack you!
BLACK quaffs a turquoise potion.
BLACK breaks off combat.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK moves to attack you!
BLACK quaffs a turquoise potion.
BLACK breaks off combat.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK moves to attack you!
BLACK quaffs a turquoise potion.
BLACK breaks off combat.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK moves to attack you!
BLACK quaffs a turquoise potion.
BLACK breaks off combat.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK is searching the area.
BLACK moves to attack you!
You may not search while attacking!
[HP=441/MA=158]:stun black
*Combat Off*
You sing the song of stunning to BLACK!
BLACK stares about blankly, drooling from the mouth.
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
[HP=441/MA=134]:bs black
*Combat Engaged*
You critically hurl your chakram and strike BLACK for 175 damage!
You critically hurl your chakram and strike BLACK for 140 damage!
BLACK drops to the ground!
BLACK is dead.
Silmaril just educated BLACK!
*Combat Off*
BLACK is dead.
Knowone gossips: Silmaril ,KILLED BLACK...educated!!!
Tiny gossips: let the boddies hit the floor
Broadcast from Matthew "I'm making a pot of coffee"
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 33 0 11 0 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  0 [/shadow]

You misses at BLACK, but he dodges out of the way!

Quote from: mr sinister on September 15, 2014, 03:38:17 AM
You misses at BLACK, but he dodges out of the way!

I think this was meant to say "You throw your missus at Black, but he dodges out of the way!"