
Started by TheDude, October 04, 2014, 01:42:50 AM

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Rage says "@kill Wyman"
Obamacare looks Rage up and down.
BLACK moves to attack nasty horned spider.
[HP=xxx/MA=320]:>Rage {no - party defence disabled}
--- Message Directed to Rage ---
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, BLACK, Rage*, Nysander, nasty horned spider.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, BLACK, Rage*, Nysander, nasty horned spider.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Nysander says (to Rage) "{no - party defence disabled}"
Obamacare says (to Rage) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
Wyman summons divine fury upon Rage for 82 damage!
Obamacare clobbers nasty horned spider for 34 damage!
Acid sears nasty horned spider for 10 damage!
Obamacare critically slams nasty horned spider for 104 damage!
Acid sears nasty horned spider for 15 damage!
Obamacare slams nasty horned spider for 15 damage!
Acid sears nasty horned spider for 13 damage!
Obamacare critically slams nasty horned spider for 120 damage!
Fire burns nasty horned spider for 14 damage!
BLACK critically jumpkicks nasty horned spider for 151 damage!
BLACK jumpkicks nasty horned spider for 18 damage!
BLACK jumpkicks nasty horned spider for 28 damage!
BLACK jumpkicks nasty horned spider for 8 damage!
BLACK jumpkicks nasty horned spider for 32 damage!
Nysander smashes nasty horned spider for 162 damage!
The forest spider curls up and dies.
Rage says "@kill Wyman"
Nysander says (to Rage) "{no - party defence disabled}"
[HP=xxx/MA=320]:>Rage {no - party defence disabled}
--- Message Directed to Rage ---
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, BLACK, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, BLACK, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Wyman attempts to cast hold person on Rage, but the spell is resisted!
Rage says "@kill Wyman"
Nysander says (to Rage) "{no - party defence disabled}"
[HP=xxx/MA=320]:>Rage {no - party defence disabled}
--- Message Directed to Rage ---
Wyman moves to attack Rage.
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Rage says "@kill Wyman"
Nysander looks Wyman up and down.
[HP=xxx/MA=320]:>Rage {no - party defence disabled}
--- Message Directed to Rage ---
Nysander says (to Rage) "{no - party defence disabled}"
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
[HP=xxx/MA=320]:gdhe Rage
You cast godheal on Rage, healing 95 damage!
Obamacare says (to Rage) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
Rage moves to cast necromantic bolt upon Obamacare.
[HP=xxx/MA=296]:l Wyman
Wyman is a colossal, physically Godlike Gaunt One Cleric with no hair and black eyes. He moves blindingly fast, and is host
ile and rather unappealing. Wyman
appears to be bright and seems to possess a wisdom beyond his years. He is

He is equipped with:

jewel-encrusted warhammer      (Weapon Hand)
starsteel greathelm            (Head)
gauntlets of power             (Hands)
white gold ring                (Finger)
starsteel plate boots          (Feet)
starsteel bracers              (Arms)
cloak of faith                 (Back)
phoenix feather                (Neck)
starsteel plate leggings       (Legs)
fur-lined pouch                (Waist)
dragonscale armour             (Torso)
aegis shield                   (Off-Hand)
sunstone wristband             (Wrist)
diamond earrings               (Ears)
emerald emblem                 (Worn)

Obamacare looks Nysander up and down.
Yeager just disconnected!!!
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
You see BLACK hiding in the shadows.
[HP=xxx/MA=296]:wcur black
You have already cast a spell this round!
[HP=xxx/MA=296]:soul black
A dark cloud passes over you
*Combat Engaged*
BLACK moves to attack you!
[PVP detected! (11:34 pm)]
[HP=xxx/MA=296]:gb {Being attacked by BLACK}
Silmaril gangpaths: {Being attacked by BLACK}
[HP=xxx/MA=296]:.@kill BLACK
You say "@kill BLACK"
Wyman moves to attack Rage.
Obamacare says (to you) "{command invalid or not allowed}"
BLACK looks Rage up and down.
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, BLACK, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
Wyman smashes Rage for 14 damage!
Acid sears Rage for 15 damage!
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
BLACK jumpkicks you for 39 damage!
[PVP detected! (11:34 pm)]
BLACK swing at you, but you dodge out of the way!
[PVP detected! (11:34 pm)]
BLACK swings at you!
[PVP detected! (11:34 pm)]
BLACK swings at you!
[PVP detected! (11:34 pm)]
BLACK swing at you, but you dodge out of the way!
[PVP detected! (11:34 pm)]
Rage raises their palm towards Rage!
Rage fires a necromantic bolt at Obamacare for 381 damage!
Obamacare's life is drained for 86 damage!
You make a powerful incantation!
Spiritual power strikes BLACK for 411 damage!
Obamacare is looking at you.
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:gb {Being attacked by BLACK}
Silmaril gangpaths: {Being attacked by BLACK}
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:.@kill BLACK
You say "@kill BLACK"
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:gb {Being attacked by BLACK}
Silmaril gangpaths: {Being attacked by BLACK}
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:.@kill BLACK
You say "@kill BLACK"
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:gb {Being attacked by BLACK}
Silmaril gangpaths: {Being attacked by BLACK}
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:.@kill BLACK
You say "@kill BLACK"
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:gb {Being attacked by BLACK}
Silmaril gangpaths: {Being attacked by BLACK}
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:.@kill BLACK
You say "@kill BLACK"
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:gb {Being attacked by BLACK}
Silmaril gangpaths: {Being attacked by BLACK}
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:.@kill BLACK
You say "@kill BLACK"
[HP=xxx/MA=276]:gdhe Rage
*Combat Off*
You cast godheal on Rage, healing 72 damage!
[HP=xxx/MA=252]:l BLACK
BLACK is a colossal, Herculean Nekojin Mystic with short black hair and black
eyes. He moves blindingly fast, and is likable in an unassuming sort of way.
BLACK appears to be slightly dull and seems a little naive. He is very
critically wounded.

He is equipped with:

black and white serpent ring   (Finger)
demonhide sandals              (Feet)
phoenix feather                (Neck)
emerald emblem                 (Worn)

[HP=xxx/MA=252]:/Rage @wait (Mana/Kai too low)
--- Telepath Sent to Rage ---
You are following Rage.
The following people are in your travel party:
  Rage Bloodwrath                (Mage)        [M: 25%] [H:100%]    - Frontrank
  Nysander                      (Warrior)              [H:100%]    - Backrank
  Silmaril FYM                  (Priest)      [M: 73%] [H: 92%]    - Backrank
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
Also here: Wyman, Obamacare, BLACK, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
BLACK invokes the way of the swan!
Wyman moves to attack Rage.
BLACK stops to rest.
You notice 448 gold crowns, 281 silver nobles, 160 copper farthings, 2871 horned spider skulls, 9 rope and grapples, white
robes, elven boots, silk trousers, greatcloak, blackened wrist guard, crested war helm, tower shield, visored greathelm, fi
ne breastplate, 2 copper amulets, black dragon hood, adamantite platemail tunic, full plate corselet, throwing hammers, sta
rsteel bracers, starsteel plate gauntlets, jewel-encrusted warhammer, gnomish fish-helm, moonstone ring, bone club, wyvernh
ide gauntlets, elven war-spear here.
[HP=xxx/MA=252]:wcur black
You have already cast a spell this round!
[HP=xxx/MA=252]:soul black
*Combat Engaged*
BLACK moves to attack you!
Wyman moves to attack Rage.
BLACK looks Nysander up and down.
An opalescent white mist billows through the room!
Rage moves to attack everyone in the room.
Rage moves to attack everyone in the room.
Wyman moves to attack Rage.
Wyman fumbles about dazedly!
BLACK stops to rest.
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
Wyman fumbles about dazedly!
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
Rage scatters some ashes in a sweeping motion!
A hellish storm of fire and brimstone scorch the room!
Obamacare drops to the ground!
Obamacare is dead.
Rage just humiliated Obamacare!
You make a powerful incantation!
Spiritual power strikes BLACK for 365 damage!
BLACK drops to the ground!
BLACK is dead.
Silmaril just pwned BLACK!
*Combat Off*
Obamacare is dead.
Obamacare is dead.
BLACK is dead.
BLACK is dead.
BLACK just disconnected!!!
Knowone gossips: Rage ,KILLED Obamacare...humiliated!!!
Knowone gossips: Silmaril ,KILLED BLACK...pwned!!!
Wyman fumbles about dazedly!
Blackwood Forest, Webbed Lair
You notice 7 platinum pieces, 37 gold crowns, 4 rope and grapples, gauntlets of power, 2 starsteel greathelms, 2 starsteel
plate boots, dragonscale armour, 2
jewel-encrusted warhammers, 2 starsteel plate leggings, aegis shield, moonstone ring, horned spider skull, cat's-eye pendan
t, belt of might, starsteel bracers, fingerbone bracelet, demonhide sandals here.
Also here: Wyman, Rage*, Nysander.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Wyman moves to attack Rage.
Tiny gossips: let the boddies hit the floor
Tiny gossips: let the boddies hit the floor
[HP=xxx/MA=232]:soul wy
Nysander picks up starsteel greathelm.
Nysander picks up starsteel greathelm.
A dark cloud passes over you
*Combat Engaged*
Nysander picks up cat's-eye pendant.
Rage stops to rest.
Nysander picks up starsteel plate boots.
Wyman fumbles about dazedly!
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
Wyman fumbles about dazedly!
Wyman swings at at Rage, but he dodges out of the way!
You make a powerful incantation!
Spiritual power strikes Wyman for 219 damage!
Nysander picks up starsteel plate boots.
*Combat Off*
Wyman drops to the ground!
Wyman is dead.
Wyman is dead.
Wyman is dead.
Wyman is dead.
Wyman just disconnected!!!

Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 57 21 40 125 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  753 [/shadow]

It pains me to see you with Rage. :-[ I'm sorry that we kicked you out of the gang 4-5 pushes ago.


Quote from: Karl on October 05, 2014, 03:21:12 PM
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Good read.
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