Hello is this thing on?

Started by woland, January 02, 2015, 03:33:00 PM

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I've tried PMing Gardner and Vitoc, is there anyone else in charge around here?

My IP has been banned with no explanation (although I assume it is because I created a character the same day some bozo got banned and you assumed I was him).

I've never really checked people's IP to see how they are different or spoofed but I figured connecting from a google fiber connection would give me a fairly unique IP. So when people were accusing me of being that dude so I didn't bother defending myself much.  Aside from that how can I prove I'm not him?

If nothing else I'm an educated man using proper grammar and spelling for fuck's sake..

I guess it's not a big deal it's just a little nostalgia for a text game I played in high school, but at the same time every so often I jones for a little nostalgia.

Thanks for any help..

Most likely, you'll have to wait until Gardner gets back as he is in the process of moving.

vitoc dont care and dont get involved
deathcow got owned and rage quit but he would just be a voice to vitoc anyway
gardy went byebye for a bit
2girlz is just a figment
everyone now is loggin in multiple dupes...sometimes 3 or so per ip
and ur focked just tryin to be u

aint life grand?

Don't confuse not having time for not caring.  I do care.

I had an uncle who passed away just before Christmas and had to be there (SoCal) for the service.

I just unbanned the IP.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)