Lucifer Vs. Atolicus 1 - Noogied In The NPP

Started by Lucifer, June 03, 2018, 09:58:34 PM

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Wobble kneels to meditate.
You surprise slash Wobble for 233 damage!
*Combat Off*
Wobble just disconnected!!!
Negative Power Plane
You notice whirling vortex here.
Also here: Atolicus.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, up, down
The room is barely visible
Attempting to hide...
[HP=564/MA=180]:bs ato
A dark cloud passes over you
*Combat Engaged*
Atolicus is searching the area.
You surprise slash Atolicus for 192 damage!
Atolicus moves to attack you!
Atolicus is looking at you.
Negative Power Plane
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
The room is barely visible
Negative Power Plane
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, up, down
The room is barely visible
You may not sneak right now!
*Combat Off*
Attempting to sneak...
Negative Power Plane
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
The room is barely visible
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
bs a
Negative Power Plane
You notice whirling vortex here.
Also here: Atolicus.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, up, down
The room is barely visible
Attempting to hide...
*Combat Engaged*
You surprise rip Atolicus for 258 damage!
Lightning strikes Atolicus for 7 damage!
Atolicus is searching the area.
[HP=564/MA=189]:wcur a
Atolicus casts godheal on Atolicus!
*Combat Off*
You attempt to cast wrathful curse, but fail.
Atolicus moves to attack you!
Negative Power Plane
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
The room is barely visible
Negative Power Plane
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, up, down
The room is barely visible
Attempting to sneak...
bs a
Negative Power Plane
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
The room is barely visible
You hear movement to the northeast.
You hear movement to the northeast.
You hear movement to the northeast.
You hear movement to the northeast.
Negative Power Plane
You notice whirling vortex here.
Also here: Atolicus, small shadowraith, shade, moaning spirit.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, up, down
The room is barely visible
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
*Combat Engaged*
Atolicus moves to attack you!
You surprise rip Atolicus for 250 damage!
Atolicus begins to chant in a fierce tone!
A strange force rips into you for 244 damage!
The small shadowraith swipes at Atolicus with its claws!
The small shadowraith rips Atolicus for 38 damage!
Atolicus shudders violently!
The shade chills Atolicus with its touch for 23 damage!
The shade chills Atolicus with its touch for 22 damage!
shade attempts to cast weakness touch on Atolicus, but the spell is resisted!
The shade chills Atolicus with its touch for 26 damage!
Atolicus drops to the ground!
Lucifer negates moaning spirit's cast of necromantic beam!
[HP=320/MA=177]:fury a
*Combat Off*
Atolicus is dead.
Atolicus is dead.
Atolicus just disconnected!!!
You don't see a here!
The small shadowraith vanishes.
The shade vanishes from the room.
The moaning spirit vanishes with a wail!
Negative Power Plane
You notice 5 gold crowns, whirling vortex, rainbow stone, sash of the
arch-mage, astral trousers, silversilk tunic, crimson earrings, silver
[sash of the arch-mage added to known items]
bracelet, pearl ring, winged sandals, moonstone ring, crimson inquisition mask, carved ivory mask, silver hood, silver gloves
, serpent armbands, black star
key, rope and grapple, runic warhammer, mine pass, blessed scroll, scroll of
soul rip, pristine white scroll, runed key, cross key, copper cross here.
[scroll of soul rip added to known items]
[pristine white scroll added to known items]
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, up, down
The room is barely visible
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 0 0 0 244
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  1184 [/shadow]
The Luci