Stats Breakdown

Started by R1dic, January 13, 2019, 03:27:04 PM

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January 13, 2019, 03:27:04 PM Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 11:22:20 AM by R1dic

All bonuses below occur once you reach the base of 50 on the desired stat. There are penalties for being below 50 on any stat. (Example: 47 AGI = -1 Accuracy)

Strength affects the player melee damage output, encumbrance, and the ability to bash doors.

Damage = +1 Max Damage for every +10 Str up to 100. Each +10 Str over 100 is +1 Min Damage and +1 Max Damage.
Encumbrance =  +48 Enc per +1 Str point up to 100. Each +1 Str over 100 is +84 Enc.

Agility affects your accuracy, dodge, stealth, picklocks, and swing speed.  There is a critical hit bonus for swinging faster than 6 swings.

Accuracy = +1 Accuracy per +3 Agi over 50.
Dodge = +1 Dodge per +3 Agi over 50.

Intellect is the primary casting stat for Mage classes. Druid classes also gain some benefit from it. Intellect affects spell casting accuracy, stealth, picklocks, mana regen for Mage classes and to a lesser extent, Druid classes, critical rate, accuracy, magic resistance, and the main stat for perception.

Accuracy = +1 Accuracy per +6 Int over 50.
Critical = +1 Critical per +10 Int over 50.
Perception = The higher your perception, the easier it is to search for items and provide defense against backstabs.

Willpower is the primary casting stat for Priest classes. Druid classes also gain some benefit from it. Willpower affects spell casting accuracy, mana regen for Priest and Druid classes, and the main stat for magic resistance.

Magic Resistance = This will help you take less damage from monsters that cast magic. Currently, magic resistance maxes out at a 50% damage reduction for all classes except Witchhunter; Witchhunter's cap out at 75% reduction due to their anti-magic bonus. Drain spells ignore magic resistance.

Charm is the primary casting stat for Bard classes. Charm affects your accuracy, dodge, critical rate, stealth, picklocks, and traps. For Bards, it also helps with spellcasting accuracy and mana regen. Charm also impacts whether a monster will choose to swing at you in a group setting (Higher = less chance of being a target).

Accuracy = +1 Accuracy per +10 Cha over 50.
Dodge = +1 Dodge per +5 Cha over 50.
Critical = +1 Crit per +30 Cha over 50.

Health affects your hit point regen rate and maximum hit points. This stat does not affect your base class hit point roll. There is a small chance for bonus HP roll for raising this stat above the base value.

Encumbrance affects your movement speed, carrying capacity, and swing speed. Each percentage of encumbrance also affects your combat to a degree.

None = 0% - 15%
Light = 16% - 32% (Percentage points from 32% and below may improve dodge and accuracy slightly).
Medium = 33% - 66%
Heavy = 67% - 100%

Punch = 1150 Speed \ 1.0x multiplier
Kick = 1400 Speed \ 1.33x multiplier \ -10 Accuracy
Jumpkick = 2900 Speed \ 1.66x multiplier \ -15 Accuracy

MIN BS Calculator *Huge thanks to BOOST for creating this code*
Past the code below at this link:

let level = 79; // Set this to your character's level.
let classStealth = 1; // Set to 1 for class stealth, 0 for non-stealth classes.
let strStat = 130; // Set this to your actual strength stat value.
let stealthStat = 266; // Set this to your character's stealth stat.
let weaponMinDmg = 18; // Set this to the actual min damage stat on your weapon.
let minBSDamage = 145; // Set this to the sum of your +minbs from items, quests, and spells.
let mobDR = 0; // Set this to the mob's DR if you want it to factor that in, else leave it at 0.

// damage
let damage = Math.max(Math.floor((strStat - 100) / 10), 0) + weaponMinDmg;
// temp
let temp = (level * 2) + Math.floor((stealthStat / 10)) + (damage * 2) + minBSDamage;

// final calculation
let minBSActual = 0; // Do not modify this

if (classStealth > 0) {
    minBSActual = ((level + 100)*temp) / 100;
} else {
    minBSActual = (temp * 75) / 100;

console.log('Estimated minBS: ', Math.floor(minBSActual) - mobDR);

MAX BS Calculator *Huge thanks to BOOST for creating this code*
Past the code below at this link:

// damage
let maxDamageCalc = Math.max(Math.floor((strStat - 50) / 10), 0) + weaponMaxDmg + maxDamageMod;
// temp
let maxTempCalc = (level * 2) + Math.floor((stealthStat / 10)) + (maxDamageCalc * 2) + maxBSDamage;

// final maxBS calculation
let maxBSActual = 0; // Do not modify this

if (classStealth > 0) {
    maxBSActual = ((level + 100)*maxTempCalc) / 100;
} else {
    maxBSActual = (temp * 75) / 100;

console.log('Estimated maxBS: ', Math.floor(maxBSActual) - mobDR);

Thanks for posting these. Interesting to see that charm ups mana Regen. Had that?s always been the case, or something you added?  Are you willing to post the mana regen formula for Int and charm?

Quote from: xian on April 14, 2019, 09:39:20 AM
Thanks for posting these. Interesting to see that charm ups mana Regen. Had that?s always been the case, or something you added?  Are you willing to post the mana regen formula for Int and charm?

It's possible you misread the post. Charm only provides mana regen if you are a class using Bard magic.

Int is the only mana regen stat for Mage magic classes, and is half the equation for Druid magic classes. You can look in MME for the scale of how int impacts mana regen for those classes. ParaMUD Reference and Downloads

While we're talking stats, can anyone breakdown dodge for me?  How does it work and what does it cap at?  Is +1 dodge = +1% dodge?  Is dodge calculated pre or post AC?

Also, stats for mystic attacks, speeds and damage would be nice to know.


April 18, 2019, 01:17:13 PM #4 Last Edit: August 29, 2020, 07:27:06 PM by Winterhawk
Dodge is very involved but suffice it to say it does check after ac and has a soft cap in the 75% range  vs attack accuracy so it varies depending on what you are getting hit by. Speeds of attack are approx 1100 for pu...1450 for kick and 1900 for ju but actual damage changes with levels until around level 20. Mystic attacks have a benefit of a multiplier for damage depending on attack..kick gets a 1.33 and ju gets 1.66 times the damage rolled

April 22, 2019, 04:07:44 PM #5 Last Edit: October 21, 2022, 03:02:32 PM by Winterhawk
Quote from: Guntz on April 16, 2019, 09:47:28 AMWhile we're talking stats, can anyone breakdown dodge for me?  How does it work and what does it cap at?  Is +1 dodge = +1% dodge?  Is dodge calculated pre or post AC?

Also, stats for mystic attacks, speeds and damage would be nice to know.


Some mystic stats:

Punch Min damage =
(player.Level < 20 ? (player.Level / 8 ) + 2 : 5) + player.PunchDamage + player.MinDamage

Punch Max damage =
(player.Level < 20 ? ((player.Level + 3) / 4) + 6 : 12) + player.PunchDamage + player.MaxDamage

Punch speed = 1150

Kick Min damage =
(player.Level < 20 ? (player.Level / 8 ) + 2 : 5) + player.KickDamage + player.MinDamage

Kick Max damage =
(player.Level < 20 ? (player.Level / 6 ) + 7 : 10) + player.KickDamage + player.MaxDamage

Kick speed = 1400

Kick min dmg multiplier = 1.33
Kick max dmg multiplier = 1.33
Kick accy modifier = -10

JumpKick Min damage =
(player.Level < 20 ? (player.Level / 8 ) + 2 : 5) + player.JumpKickDamage + player.MinDamage

JumpKick Max damage =
(player.Level < 20 ? (player.Level / 6) + 7 : 10) + player.JumpKickDamage + player.MaxDamage

JumpKick speed = 2900

JumpKick min dmg multiplier = 1.66
JumpKick max dmg multiplier = 1.66
JumpKick accy modifier = -15

In the cases above, the min/max damage modifiers already account for bonuses from strength, as well as other items which provide straight +dmg.  The specific values of "JumpKickDamage", "KickDamage", etc, come only from buffs which are very specific towards those properties  (think various forms and what not which only enhance some attack types...).

Dodge is an involved animal, and confusing even to me.  I have the formula, but it's very far from being straight forward.  I will say that keeping your enc at or below 33% you get dodge bonuses.  The lower, the better.  Anything over 33 you get 0 dodge bonus, up to a maxium of +10. After that calculation, it goes through a formula which does some magic... essentially capping you out at some point.  It's somewhere around 75-ish or so, but the "75" is not a hard-coded value. 
Also, the dodge kicks in AFTER the check against AC.  So numbers are run depending on mob accuracy + your defenses.  If a hit occurs (ie, your armor didn't out roll the mobs accuracy value rolled), then one more number is run against your dodge valuation.  If a random number between 1 - 100 rolled is less than your dodge percent, then you... well... dodge.

If a stat is below 50, does it give negative ACC/ManaRegen/etc?  I have been hearing conflicting information regarding this for years.

Yes stats below 50 show negatives, as an example a level 1 dwarf has 11 more accuracy with all stats at 50 than at base with some stats at 30. So negatives do take a toll. A char with too low stats can actually regen 0 mana/kai or swing 0 times a round.

Thanks for that clarification Winter... In addition, are the negatives the same as the positives?  ie for Agility  -1 accuracy per 3 under 50?

Quote from: bigwood on April 24, 2019, 11:44:37 AM
Thanks for that clarification Winter... In addition, are the negatives the same as the positives?  ie for Agility  -1 accuracy per 3 under 50?

Yes.  But, it occurs in blocks.  For example.  If you had 49 agil, you don't lose 1 accy.  If you had 47 agil, then you'd take the 1 accy hit.

Where do these stats come from?  Are they GreaterMUD specific? They are similar to, but not the same as, the ones on this mudinfo thread:

QuoteAbility: For every 10 pts added:

Strength:   480 Encumberance, +1 Damage

Agility:   +2.5 A/C*, +1 Accuracy, +2.5 Stealth

Intellect:   +1 Critical Hit, +6 Perception, +1 Stealth, +1.5 Thievery, +2 Traps, +3 Picklocks, +2 Tracking, +2 M/R, +5 S/C (Mage), +3.5 S/C (Druid), +1.6 S/C (Priest)

Willpower: +2 Perception, +1 Tracking, +7 M/R, +2 S/C (Mage), +3.5 S/C (Druid), +5 S/C (Priest),
+2 S/C (Bard)

Health: +4 Hit Points

Charm: +1 Perception, +2.5 Stealth, +1.5 Thievery, +3 Traps, +1 Tracking, +5 S/C (Bard),
+1 Critical Hit, +1.2 Accuracy, +1 Dodge

how about the backstab stats please

Added the calculator BOOST made

New command in game "stat all" now shows all sorts of helpful tidbits of info:

Name: Rhalin                           Illu:           75
HP Regen:   5/15  AC vs Evil:  55      Cold Resist:   -10
MA Regen:  11/14  Shadow:       0      Water Resist:    0
Max HP:    10     Party:        0      Fire Resist:    10
Max Mana:   4     Prev:         0      Stone Resist:    0
Encum:      5     Prgd:         0      Lit Resist:      5
                  vs Good:     55      Dodge:          65
Attacks:                               Crits:          14
Type        Swings    Acc    Min   Max     Dmg/Rnd(+xtra)
Attack       6.711    132     10    35          211 (286)
Bash         3.356    120     10    35           73 (110)
Backstab         1    205    257   259          258 (269

Pardon the formatting, but you get the gist.

Also happy to attempt to breakdown any stat you're curious about.