[Other] More Rasputin ideas (circa Mod-2)

Started by Locke Cole, May 27, 2006, 02:11:47 AM

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Includes such great ideas as Wardancers and the Mage spell Invisibility (which I still think is a damn fine idea especially with the way it was described as working). Anyways, here's the post:

Here's some changes which seem likely for module 2...

From: Rasputin

Here is the *final* draft of the race changes. This is what will likely
be put in with the 2nd module this weekend.

HUMAN (0%)
Int 40  Wis 40  Str 40  Hea 40  Agi 40  Cha 40
+10 CP

DWARF (30%)
Int 35  Wis 50  Str 50  Hea 50  Agi 30  Cha 30
MagicRes+10, Night Vision, +20% Encumbrance

GNOME (25%)
Int 45  Wis 40  Str 35  Hea 45  Agi 45  Cha 35
MagicRes+5, Night Vision, +5 Spellcasting, Traps (at +10 skill)

Int 40  Wis 45  Str 20  Hea 45  Agi 60  Cha 40
Stealth, -1 HP per Level, Dodge (at 10%)

ELF (40%)
Int 50  Wis 35  Str 35  Hea 30  Agi 50  Cha 50
Night Vision, Stealth, +5 Spellcasting, +10 Mana

Int 45  Wis 40  Str 40  Hea 35  Agi 45  Cha 45
+2 Spellcasting, +4 Mana

DARK-ELF (40%)
Int 50  Wis 30  Str 35  Hea 35  Agi 50  Cha 40
Night Vision, Stealth, +2 Critical Hits, +6 Mana

HALF-ORC (15%)
Int 30  Wis 30  Str 45  Hea 50  Agi 40  Cha 30
+1 HP per Level

GOBLIN (35%)
Int 45  Wis 40  Str 30  Hea 40  Agi 55  Cha 40
Night Vision, Stealth

Int 20  Wis 25  Str 60  Hea 60  Agi 20  Cha 25
MagicRes+10, Toughness+1, +2 HP per Level, -2 Critical Hits

KANG (25%)
Int 30  Wis 45  Str 55  Hea 50  Agi 30  Cha 30
Poison Immunity, Natural Armour (+5 AC/+1 Toughness)

Some possibilites for new races...

From: Rasputin

Brace yourselves, here are 4 ideas for new races, with *brief*

FAERIE (50%)  Str 15  Hea 20  Agi 60  Int 50  Wis 30  Cha 60
-1 HP per level, 50% Dodge, Encumbrance -50%, Magic Resistance +25,
Mana +15, Spellcasting +10

Faeries are the most magical of creatures, and draw greatly from the
mana in the world. They are small, frail creatures, but are quick and
have a strong resistance to magic.

NEKOJIN (45%)  Str 40  Hea 40  Agi 55  Int 40  Wis 35  Cha 30
Night Vision, Stealth, Tracking, 50% Less Damage from Cold

The Nekojin are a race of semi-barbaric creatures from the north,
greatly ressembling bipedal cats. They prefer to ambush prey at the most
opportune moment, but once in the midst of combat they are ferocious
fighters. Their life in the frigid northern wastes has given them a
natural resistance to cold, and all Nekojin are born with the innate
abilities to see in the dark and track.

SHADOWRAITH (40%)  Str 50  Hea 40  Agi 55  Int 30  Wis 30  Cha 20
Night Vision, Permanent Shadowform, Stealth, 50% Extra Damage from Fire

These strange creatures are shrouded in mystery. Their nightblack forms
are all nearly identical, but their behaviour is as diverse as any other
race-- some Shadowraiths have been known to ruthlessly murder helpless
passers-by, while others have saved entire caravans from marauding
bandits. All Shadowraiths avoid other races, as misunderstandings
inevitably arise, although they are not evil. They are powerful, silent
foes, and have caused many a nightmare.

TROLLKIN (40%)  Str 50  Hea 70  Agi 30  Int 25  Wis 25  Cha 25
-5 AC, NO Spells/Powers, Healing Rate +50%

The brutish Trollkin are cousins to their evil relatives, the Trolls.
While the average Trollkin is not as large or powerful as a true Troll,
neither are they evil as a rule. Reckless and stupid, yes, but not truly
evil. They are roughly the same height as half-ogres, but are far
thinner, with long arms, and possess the same uncanny healing rate as
Trolls. Oddly, it is impossible for a Trollkin to cast any sort of spell
or use any form of power.

Possible class changes (with a new one!)...

From: Rasputin

WARRIOR (100%)
Combat 4, 6-9 HP/lev, Any Weapon, Any Armour

Combat 5, 6-9 HP/lev, Any Weapon, Scalemail.
Anti-Magic, No Magic Items

PALADIN (220%)
Combat 4, 5-8 HP/lev, Any Weapon, Any Armour, Priest-1 magic.

CLERIC (210%)
Combat 3, 4-7 HP/lev, Blunt Weapons, Any Armour, Priest-2 magic.

PRIEST (140%)
Combat 1, 3-5 HP/lev, Blunt Weapons, Robes, Priest-3 magic.

Combat 2, 4-6 HP/lev, 1-Handed Weapons, Leather, Priest-2 magic.
Stealth, Picklocks, Traps.

NINJA (160%)
Combat 3, 4-7 HP, 1-Handed Weapons, Leather.
Stealth, Traps, Picklocks, 25% Dodge, Critical Hits +10%.

THIEF (75%)
Combat 3, 4-6 HP, 1-Handed Weapons, Leather.
Stealth, Thievery, Traps, Picklocks.

BARD (215%)
Combat 3, 4-6 HP, 1-Handed Weapons, Leather, Bardic magic.
Stealth, Traps, Thievery, Picklocks.

GYPSY (210%)
Combat 2, 4-6 HP, 1-Handed Weapons, Leather, Mage-2 magic.
Stealth, Picklocks, Thievery, Traps.

WARLOCK (170%)
Combat 3, 4-7 HP, 1-Handed Weapons, Leather, Mage-2 magic.

MAGE (140%)
Combat 1, 3-5 HP, Staff, Robes, Mage-3 magic.

DRUID (200%)
Combat 2, 4-6 HP, Blunt Weapons, Leather, Druid-3 magic.

RANGER (250%)
Combat 4, 5-8 HP, Any Weapon, Leather, Druid-1 magic.
Stealth, Tracking.

MYSTIC (225%)
Combat 3, 4-7 HP, Staff, Robes, Kai powers.
Unarmed Combat, Stealth, 25% Dodge, Critical Hits +10%.

*** New Proposed Class ***

Combat 5, 5-8 HP, Any Weapon, Robes, Mage-1 magic.
25% Dodge.

Wardancers are the elite of the elven fighting class. Bred from birth
into this prestigious position, a prospective Wardancer spends his
entire life training in the art of battle. Eschewing heavy armour for
speed, a veteran Wardancer is a whirling maelstrom of carnage. They
learn some spellcraft to aid them in combat, and this combination makes
them difficult to defeat.
One man's vision of some spell changes we'll hopefully see one day...

From: Thanatos

  I've been writing and thinking and writing and thinking, and I'm
pretty satisfied with all I've come up with.  Right now, I'm only
posting the mage, druid and mystic revisions, as they're all I've
finished.  Bards and priests are proving to be a real challenge.
Priests, because I'm genuinely trying to make a very important
distinction between the two alignments, and bards, because thinking
decent spells up for them is just very tricky. :)

  Here's the usual spiel about mana regeneration, then on to the spells.

  I think all magic using classes should regenerate 1/3 of their normal
mana regen per resting tick, in addition to their standard tick.  Only
when resting of course (I have to be completely clear, some people might
read things into this) IE: the mage with 12 mana regen normally would
regen 4 mana per rest tick.  Then, at least, resting would be worth it
for spellcasters.

Mage spells.                                                           
Magic missile:  Mage-1
   Stays same mana, damage is reduced to 6-15, and add the ability to
   fire an extra missile every 5 levels, to a max of 5 for mages and 3
   for warlocks/gypsies.

Dayin utters a simple magical phrase, and points his fingers at you.
A shimmering white bolt strikes you for 14 damage!
A shimmering white bolt strikes you for 12 damage!

Blur:  Mage-1
   Stays the same.

Detect magic:  Mage-1
   Stays the same.

Smite:  Mage-1
   Change it so it raises minimum damage by 1 as well.

Illuminate:  Mage-1
   Change so you can cast it on other people.

Ethereal shield:  Mage-1
   Change to 6 AC and 5 MR when cast.

Frost jet:
   See Icebolt.

Knock *NEW*:  Mage-2
Level 5, 6 mana.
This spell allows you the chance to telekinetically force open a locked

   Castable in a direction, allows mages a % chance to push open doors
   so their pathetic strength doesn't hinder them while questing.

You extend your hand and point at the closed door to the {direction}.
The door to the {direction} flies open!

{if spell fails}
You extend your hand and point at the closed door to the {direction}.
Nothing happens.

Dayin extends his hand and points at the closed door to the {direction}.
The door to the {direction} flies open!

{if spell fails}
Dayin extends his hand and points at the closed door to the {direction}.
Nothing happens.

Magic armour:  Mage-2
   Stays the same.

Lightning bolt:  Mage-1
   Stays the same mana and damage, but against people wearing metal
   armour, its damage goes up considerably.  The number shown in
   parenthesis () is the percentage in damage that lightning bolt goes
   up.  All %'s are cumulative.  Also note that all magical items are
   assumed to be non-conductive, and are not affected by these
   percentages.  Mithril items (not fine items in general) are also not

Dayin fires a lightning bolt at you for 35 damage!
You shout in pain as arcs of lightning dance about your armour.
You take 42.70 (43) damage from the electricity!
*See below*

Dayin fires a lightning bolt at Baelros for 35 damage!
Baelros shouts in pain as arcs of lightning dance about his armour.

   For each piece of torso armour, which includes:
     Full plate corselet     (7%)
     Light plate corselet    (5%)
     Half-plate corselet     (4%)
     Brigandine tunic        (3%)
     Steel brassiere         (4%)
     Scalemail tunic         (2%)
     Chainmail tunic         (4%)
     Chainmail halter        (4%)

   For each piece of leg armour, which includes:
     Full plate leggings     (5%)
     Light plate leggings    (4%)
     Brigandine leggings     (3%)
     Scalemail leggings      (2%)
     Chainmail leggings      (3%)

   For each piece of head armour, which lncludes:
     Visored great-helm      (4%)
     Horned helmet           (4%)
     Chain Coif              (3%)
     Pot-helm                (2%)

   For each piece of hand armour, which includes:
     Plate gauntlets         (4%)
     Scale gauntlets         (1%)
     Chain gauntlets         (2%)

    For each piece of foot armour, which includes:
      Plate boots             (4%)
      Steel-toed boots        (2%)

    For each shield, which includes:
      Curved heater            (1%)
      Spiked shield            (3%)
      Kite shield              (4%)
      Tower shield             (6%)

    For example:  A warrior wearing:
                  light plate corselet  5%
                  full plate leggings   5%
                  plate gauntlets       4%
                  steel-toed boots      2%
                  pot-helm              2%
                  kite shield           4%
        would take an additional 22% from a lightning based attack, as
        their armour conducts the electricity.  So, a lightning bolt
        that would do 38 damage (maximum) normally, does 46.36 (46)
        damage to this target.  A lightning bolt that does 18 damage
        (minimum) normally, does 21.96 (22) damage.

Flash:  Mage-2
   Change so it does a one round blind/confusion (blind and dizzy, the
   same as when you touch the gem or the altar for high druid/champ
   quests.)  Move up to level 9 and change casting cost to 12 mana.

Dayin claps his hands together!
A blinding flash dazzles the room!
You are blind and dizzy!

{for fumble}
You stumble about blindly!

Resist fire:  Mage-1.
   Change so that resist fire and resist cold cancel eachother out, like
   bless and curse.  Still does the damage decrease effect as
   implemented.  Resist fire and cold should also be gotten at the same
   level, and cost the same mana.

Resist cold:  Mage-1
   Same changes as resist fire.

Shadowform:  Mage-1
   Stays the same.

Shockshield:  Mage-2
   Stays the same.

   Change to a priest spell, but it should be changed to -20 spell-

Mageshield:  Mage-3
   Stays the same.

Slow:  Mage-1.
   Stays the same, maybe add the bonus of increasing a target's movement
   rate to that of heavy encumberance.  Slow and speed should cancel
   eachother out.

Vampiric touch:  Mage-2.
   Stays the same.

Dancing blades:  Mage-1
   Stays the same.

Speed:  Mage-1.
   Should either be upgraded to compete with bards song of quickness, or
   bards should get their spell downgraded to be fair to speed.  Quick-
   ness is +15% to attack speed and speed is +10% right now.  Speed and
   slow should cancel eachother out.  Speed should also decrease the
   target's movement to 1 second, to a minimum of one second.

Sunbolt:  Mage-1.
   Stays the same damage and mana, but add the chance of causing a 10%
   fire elemental effect, like fireball.

You hold your arms above your head and shout fiercely!
You extend an arm and searing blast of flame envelopes Baelros for 44

Dayin holds his arms above his head and shouts fiercely!
Dayin extends an arm and a searing blast of flame envelopes you for 44

Dayin holds arms above his head and shouts firecely!
Dayin extends an arm and a searing blast of flame envelopes Baelros for
  44 damage!
{if ignited}:
Baelros is consumed by magical flames!

  The method of spellcasting below might not be possible with current
coding, but would be much preferred to what I have above.

You hold your arms above your head and shout fiercely!
You extend one arm, and a fiery bolt strikes Baelros square in the
Baelros takes 45 damage from the searing flames!
{if ingnited in flames}
Baelros is consumed by magical fire!

Dayin holds his arms above his head and shouts fiercely!
Dayin extends one arm, and a fiery bolt strikes you square in the chest!
You take 45 damage from the searing flames.
{if you catch on fire}
You are enveloped by the magical flames!

You are on fire!

Icebolt *NEW*:   Mage-1
Level 13, 8 mana.
This spell fires a large bolt of ice at your target!

   The same damage and mana as subolt but with a 10% chance to cause a
   cold elemental cold effect, like ice storm.  Same damage as sunbolt.

Multiple image *NEW*:  Mage-1.
Level 13, 14 mana.
This spell creates several magical duplicates of everyone in your party
making them harder to hit!

   Party effect blur.

You wave your hands in wide, arcing gestures, motioning at your party.
The air beside you shimmers and crackles with energy!
Magical duplicates of you appear at your side, moving as you move!

Dayin waves his hands in wide, arcing gestures, motioning at his party!
The air beside you shimmers and crackles with energy!
Magical duplicates of you appear at your side, moving as you move!

Vulnerability:  Mage-2.
   Stays the same.

Confusion:  Mage-2.
   Stays the same.  Maybe raise to level 16 or 17.

Ice storm:  Mage-1.
   Causes the freezing elemental effect that is already implemented.
   Becomes stackable with multiple castings, so the target can be
   affected by the spell more than once.  Changed to a combat spell,
   so it can't be cast between rounds.

Fireball:  Mage-2.
   Stays the same mana and damage, but gets a 15% chance to light its
   target on fire, same damage as obsidian runestaff.

Frenzy:  Mage-2
   Stays the same.

Arcane might *NEW*:  Mage-1.
Level 15, 14 mana.
This spell makes your whole party do more damage in combat!

   Party effect smite but more powerful.  Gives everyone in the party +2
   to both minumum and maximum damage (rather than +1 from smite).

{if in party}:
Your eyes flash with power as you clench your fists!
You motion sharply at the party!
You feel powerful!

{if Dayin is in your party}
Dayin's eyes flash as he clenches his fists.
Dayin motions sharply at the party!
You feel powerful!

{if Dayin is outside your party}
Dayin's eyes flash as he clenches his fists.

Deathtouch:  Mage-2.
   Should have its max damage reduced to 45, and casting cost increased
   back to its original 30.

Globe of fire *NEW*:  Mage-1.
Level 17, 18 mana.
This spell makes your whole party more resistant to cold!

  Party effect resist cold.

Dayin makes a wide circling gesture.
A shimmering red globe surrounds you.
You feel resistant to cold!

Globe of ice *NEW*:  Mage-1.
Level 17, 18 mana.
This spell makes your whole party more resistant to fire!

   Party effect resist fire.

Dayin makes a wide circling gesture.
A glimmering blue globe surrounds you.
You feel resistant to fire!

Enslave:  Mage-2.
   Increase duration, fix it so you can't enslave guards anymore.

Solid fog:  Mage-3.
   Stays the same, should increase target's movement so they move as
   though at heavy encumberance.

Magnetism *NEW*:  Mage-2
Level 19, 18 mana.
This spell creates a powerful magnetic field, trapping foes in heavy

   Causes targets wearing heavy armour to become immobilised and slowed
   for the duration of its effect.  This would include:
     Chainmail (made mostly of iron)
     Brigandine (boiled leather, but has large iron bands to provide
     Half-plate (a suit of metal...)
     Light plate (a big suit of metal)
     Full plate (a big, heavy suit of metal)

   Lasts for 5 rounds, fully resistable.

   I know people are going to complain about scale not being affected
   (everyone except WH's that is), but it doesn't contain enough iron
   in any of its components to be realistically affected by this spell.

   Note that all magical and mithril items are non-magnetic.

   If it was possible to make it that if the person that was effected
   was only effected for as long as he had his armour on (as in if he
   removed it he'd be ok), that would make the spell more realistic.
   But from my understanding it's not currently possible, so it's fine
   like this.

Eldritch bolt:  Mage-1.
   Up the minimum damage by 5 and make it harder to resist.

Mass frenzy:  Mage-3.
   Stays the same.

Negate magic *NEW*:

  *NOTE:  This spell has been removed.  Due to limitations within the
  code, it is not possible the way I wanted it - at this time.
  Having it negate ALL the spells cast on someone would be too powerful,
  or too expensive to be any use, but since it can't be done any other
  way, I don't want to put it in until it can be done right.  It's no
  longer counted in the final spell totals.

Wind of haste:  Mage-3.
   Stays the same.

Mana storm:  Mage-2.
   Maybe change it so it does mana damage to enemy spellcasters as well
   as the physical damage it already does.  Would be based on a

   percentage of the physical damage done per casting - at a ratio of
   1 mana taken away per 4 damage (10 per 40 or 15 for 60. )

Corrosion:  Mage-3.
   Stays the same.

Invisibility *NEW*:   Mage-3
Level 24, 40 mana.
This spell makes the target invisible!

   Makes it so the person casting it becomes automatically hidden, and
   moves from room to room without making any entry or exit messages.
   They are NOT, however, sneaking.  If people look in a room with an
   invisible person, they will not see him even if he had moved from a
   previous room.  The person be searched out at a -60 to perception
   (there are other forms of detection than sight: smell, hearing, etc.)
   If the person attacks anyone, casts a non combat spell, wields an
   item, etc., the spell is broken and they are visible.  If they try to
   backstab someone (assuming they have stealth), they have to sneak or
   hide as normal, but can then backstab.  After the initial backstab,
   the spell wears off.  If they attack normally while invisible, they
   don't generate attack messages, so they get a surprise round, of
   sorts.  Once they attack, the spell is broken.  The spell is castable
   on other people, as well as the mage.  Its duration is 30 seconds
   (about 6 rounds).  Also, note that the mage can still be tracked.
   They're invisible but they obviously leave footprints.

*Note*:  I've raised this spell's level and casting cost significantly,
           to reflect its power and usefulness.  Once it's cast, the
           mage is severely drained for mana, which might otherwise
           have been used for attack spells, or whatever.

You close your eyes and bow your head in concentration.
Your body shimmers for a moment and fades from view!
You are invisible!

Dayin closes his eyes and bows his head.
Dayin shimmers for a moment and fades from view!

Meteor swarm:  Mage-2.
   Stays the same - it would be like a bigger version of magic missile.

Mystic mist:  Mage-3.
   Stays the same.

Spirit horde:  Mage-3.
   I don't see any thing that's better about this spell than mana storm.
   Mana storm seems to do more damage and costs less mana.  Neither are
   resistable by spells.  So what's up with spirit horde?  Maybe it
   should get a damage upgrade or possibly have a 10% chance to "petrify
   its foes with terror", causing an effect roughly equivalent to the
   banshee's scream.

Dragonfire:  Mage-2.
   Add a 33% chance to light people on fire.

You chant fiercely and thrust your hands in front of your body!
A withering blast of dragonfire leaps from your hands, searing Baelros
  for 100 damage!
{if ignited}
You are enveloped by the magical flames!

You are on fire!

Dayin chants fiercely and thrusts his hands in front of his body!
A withering blast of dragonfire leaps from his hands, searing you for
100 damage!
{if ignited}
You are enveloped by the magical flames!

Dayin chants fiercely and thrusts his hands in front of his body!
A withering blast of dragonfire leaps from his hands, searing Baelros
  for 100 damage!
{if ignited}
Baelros is enveloped by the magical flames!

Total new spells: 10.
Total Mage-3 spells: 44.
Total Mage-2 spells: 35.
Total Mage-1 spells: 23.

Druid spells                                                           

Vine strike:  Druid-1.
   Same sort of changes as mage version.  The druid gains the ability to
   summon an extra vine every 6 levels of experience, to a max of 5 for
   druid-3, 3 for druid-2 and 1 for druid-1.  Damage is reduced to 4-13

Rechon whispers a shamanic chant, and makes a series of throwing
A thorny vine grows from nowhere and slashes you for 13 damage!
A thorny vine grows from nowhere and slashes you for 10 damage!

Starlight:  Druid-1.
   Make it so it can be cast on other people.

Nightfall *NEW*:  Druid-1.
Level 4, 6 mana.
This spell causes a person to radiate an unnatural sphere of darkness,
lessening the effects of the surrounding light.

   Reduces the light level by one for each room the targeted person is
   in.  Daylight dimly lit, dimly lit becomes whatever's past it (I
   think it's too dark, not sure).

You reach towards the sky and sweep your hands to the ground.
A distant crash of thunder echoes through the area!
A cloud of darkness surrounds Zendith!

Rechon reaches towards the sky and sweeps his hands to the ground.
A distant crash of thunder echoes through the area!
Darkness descnends upon you!

The room is dimly lit.

It is too dark to see!

Alertness:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Charm animal:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Mend:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Chaos:  Druid-1.
   Increase to level 8.  Gains a 5% chance of "sensory overloading" its
   target, producing a two round confusion.

You knot your fingers into a strange pattern.
Kamen stumbles backwards, taking 20 damage!

Kamen's jaw goes slack, his senses completely overloaded!

Kamen just stands there, drooling.

Rechon knots his fingers into a strange pattern.
You stumble backwards, taking 20 damage!

Your jaw goes slack, your senses completely overloaded!

You stand in place, drooling.

Antidote:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Senselessness:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Poison bolt:  Druid-1.
   Change it so the poison gets progressively more powerful with levels.

   Keep whatever the base is now, and add +1 damage every level to a max
   of 10.

Stonestrike:  Druid-1.
   Stay the same.

Acid jet:  Druid-1.
   Make it so it has a 8% chance of spraying acid on the target, causing
   1 HP per second damage, and a -5 AC acidic effect.

Rechon hisses a short chant, holding his hands oustretched.
A steaming jet of acid splashes you for 36 damage!
{if sprayed by acid}
You are bathed in acid!

Barkskin:  Druid-1.
   Change it so it can't be stacked with stoneskin.

Resist fire:  Druid-1.
   Same changes as mage version.

Resist cold:   Druid-1.
   Same changes as mage version.

Resist lightning:  Druid-1.
   Same idea as rcol/rfir.  Negates any other resist, and negated by
   other resists.

Shatter:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Partial petrify:   Druid-3.
   Adds only /1 DR instead of its current 5/1 AC.

Entangle:  Druid-2.
   Rangers should lose this, but people will never go for it.  Maybe
   change to level 17 (same as hold person and such), and up mana cost.

Freedom:  Druid-1.
   Rejoice, rangers, you get to keep this spell.  My reasoning in this
   decision is that rangers are forest protectors, and as such, every so
   often you might run across the odd trapped animal, and have to free
   them without hurting them.  It just happens you can cast this on
   people as well!  It should be raised to at least level 13.  Mana cost
   should increase to 12 at least (same as crpa).

Regeneration:  Druid-2.
   Stays the same.

Rapid healing:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Swarm:  Druid-1.
   Stays the same.

Close wounds *NEW*:  Druid-2.
Level 14, 10 mana.
This spell magically closes a targets wounds, healing significant
amounts of damage!

   Like a greater mend.  Heals 10-24 damage.

You close your hand over your wounds, and are surrounded by pale green
Your wounds partially close, healing 11 damage.

You close your hand over Zendith's wounds, bathing him in pale green
His/her wounds partially close, healing 22 damage.

Rechon closes his hand over your wounds, bathing you in pale green
Your wounds partially close, healing 22 damage.

Rechon closes his hand over Zendith's wounds, bathing him in pale green

Chaos storm:  Druid-2.
   Stays the same, maybe it has a 10% chance of "sensory overloading"
   the target, producing a 2 round confusion?  Mages get elemental
   effects with their new spells, so it seems fair.

Poison cloud:  Druid-1.
   Same idea as poison bolt but area effect.

Acid rain:  Druid-1
   Becomes stackable with multiple castings, like ice storm for mages.
   Only the damage goes up per casting, not the AC downgrade.  Becomes
   a combat spell, no longer castable between rounds.

Rotting flesh:  Druid-2.
   Stays the same.

Camoflauge *NEW*:  Druid-3.
Level 19, 20 mana.
This spell makes your clothing and skin change colour to match its
surroundings, greatly enhancing your stealth!

   Increases the stealth of the person it is casted upon by 20, or gives
   someone without stealth 80 stealth.  The increased stealth doesn't
   add backstab damage, only accuracy.

You sweep your arms over your body in grand, shamanic gestures.
You meld with your surroundings, disappearing from view!
You are camoflauged.

Rechon sweeps his arms over his body in grand, shamanic gestures.
Rechon seems to meld into his surroundings, disappearing from view!

Rechon sweeps his arms over your body in grand, shamanic gestures.
You meld with your surroundings, disappearing from view!
You are camoflauged.

Rechon sweeps his arms over Kamen in grand, shamanic gestures.
Kamen seems to meld with his surroundings, disappearing from view!

Stoneskin:  Druid-3.
   Change this so it's no longer stackable with barkskin.

Sandstorm *NEW*:  Druid-3.
Level 20, 35 mana.
Conjures a whirling, blinding cloud of scathing sand to assault your

   Area effect blind and slow, causes 2 HP damage per second.

You swing your arms about in wild, chaotic gestures!
A swirling sandstorm appears from nowhere, blinding and scathing your

Rechons swings his arms about in wild, chaotic gestures!
A swirling sandstorm appears from nowhere, blinding and scathing you!
You are enveloped by the dust cloud!

Blaze:  Druid-1.
   Is this spell affected by resist fire?  If it's not, it should be.
   Also add an 8% chance of causing the elemental fire effect like the
   new sunbolt.

Creeping doom:  Druid-3.
   Stays the same.

Ray of petrification *NEW*:  Druid-3.
Level 22, 14 mana.
Fires a grey beam of energy that petrifies your foe for a short period
of time, completely immobilizing him!

   Same effects as song of stunning, but obviously with different
   messages.  Adds +5/3 DR, 20 magicres, and the target may not be
   healed by any means for the duration of the spell.

You clasp your hands tightly together and motion at Kamen.
A beam of grey energy washes over Kamen!

Rechon clasps his hands tightly together and motions at you.
A beam of grey energy wahses over you!
Your body turns to stone!

You are momentarily petrified!

Your skin quickly returns to normal.

Call storm *NEW*:  Druid-2.
Level 23 (?) Mana: 14 (?)  Same as maelstrom.
Summons a fierce lightning storm to assault your foes with powerful
lightning attacks!

   Renamed maelstrom.  Summons a fierce lightning storm that fires
   lightning bolts at the entire room.  Max damage is the same as
   maelstorm, but it utilizes the bonus damage charts from the mage
   spell lightning bolt for heavy armours.

Rechon holds his hands to the sky and shouts fierce druidic chants!
The clouds above abruptly darken and flash with lightning!
A bolt of lightning arcs from the sky and strikes you for 40 damage!

If target is in heavy armour, use same extra line as lightning bolt.
Kamen shouts in pain as arcs of lightning dance about his armour!

Plasma bolt:  Druid-2.
   Add a 15% chance of causing the elemental effect of fire like the
   new sunbolt.

Earthquake:  Druid-3.
   Has a 33% chance to "shake its targets to the ground", causing them
   to spend their next round of movement (but not fighting) getting up,
   sort of like the Ankheg charging attack.

Plague:  Druid-3.
   Stays the same.

Elemental fury:  Druid-2.
   It might seem a little cosmetic, but if this spell was changed so it
   did 4 hits of different elemental effects (kind of like meteor
   swarm), it would gain some uniqueness.  Each hit would be something
   like 22-30 damage (going up in levels until a max of 39 damage per
   blast) and would cost 6 mana per individual hit (keeping in mind that
   elemental fury does approx 120 max damage by level 30 and costs
   per hit, this is completely realistic).  As to the effects of each
   hit, it could be something like:

Rechon calls to the savage forces of the elements!
A blast of searing flame burns you for 35 damage!
You are consumed by the hellish flames!
(uses same elemental effect as sunbolt)

A jet of steaming acid splashes you for 34 damage!
You are bathed in acid!
(uses same elemental effect as acid jet)

A bolt of lightning from the heavens strikes you for 25 damage!
Your body convulses as lightning courses through your armour!
(uses same damage bonuses against heavy armour as lightning bolt)

A withering blast of cold chills you for 29 damage!
You are freezing!

(uses same elemental effect as ice storm but is NOT stackable with
additional castings of fury)

Each hit would incorporate the appropriate elemental effect of its
component spell, and would be accumulative with eachother, but not
stackable.  As in, you could be hit by all four blasts of fury more
than once, but you would only be affected by EACH elemental effect

Total new spells: 6.
Total Druid-3 spells: 39.
Total Druid-2 spells: 31.
Total Druid-1 spells: 22.

Kai powers                                                             

  Mystics need their low level KAI descriptions rewritten - some would
say they were never written in the first place!  I've supplied what
should be adequate for now...

  Once Rasputin changes KAI costs and amounts per level, simply multiply
all the costs given here by 3.

  Also, KAI regen just sucks.

KAI powers:

Way of the swan:
   Make the max cap 10.

Way of the cat:
   Stays the same.
By concentrating on the stealthy abilities of the cat, you are able to
move with incredible silence.

Way of the owl:
   Stays the same.
By concentrating on the wisdom and knowledge of the owl, you strengthen
your mind against hostile magic.

Way of the tiger:
   Stays the same.
By focusing on the raw power and rage of the mighty tiger, you become a
ferocious fighter!

Way of the rat:
   Stays the same.
By concentrating on the rat's strange immunity to disease, you become
immune to all poisons for a short time.

Way of the monkey:
By focuing on the monkey's quick and agile maneuvers, you become better
at evading incoming attacks.

   If it was possible for this power to give additional dodge instead of
   AC, that'd be cool.

Way of the boar:
   Stays the same.
By concentrating on the boar's wild and powerful attacks, you put your-
self into a frenzied state!

Way of the bat *NEW*:
By focusing on the bat's strange sense of sight, you are able to see in
the dark!

   Get rid of way of the dragon, and change it to way of the bat.

Way of the mantis:
   Stays the same.
You focus on the quick, devastating attacks of the praying mantis,
speeding up your attack.

Way of the elephant *NEW*:
Level 11, 4 kai.
By concentrating on the incredible strength and stamina of the powerful
elephant, your load seems lighter!

   Bestows the same effects as song of travelling.

  *NOTE*:  You may or may not like the name, but it's better than
             what I had originally - Way of the Mule!

Hand of darkness *NEW*:
Level 12, 5 kai.
You deliver a single, powerful strike to your opponents eyes,
temporarily blinding them.

   Blinds your target.  Lasts the same amount of time as priest's blind.

Way of the panther *NEW*:
Level 13, 6 kai.
By focusing on the incredible prowess and grace of the mighty panther,
you become a more efficient hunter!

   +1 damage +1 to hit, +5 stealth.

Way of the scorpion *NEW*:
Level 14, 4 kai.
By focusing on the powerful tail strike of the scorpion, you are able
to strike from the shadows with a powerful assault!

   +10 damage to backstab, +1 to backstab accuracy.

Way of the tortoise:
   Stays the same.

Way of the reptile:
   Renamed way of the troll.  Stays the same.
Focusing on the incredible regenerative powers of the reptile, you are
able to quickly regenerate your hit points!

Way of the cobra:
   Stays the same.

Countering *NEW*:
Level 17, 13 kai.
By focusing on countering all incoming attacks, you increase your
defense substantially!

   A shockshield-type spell that gives a 20% chance that an attack will
   be countered, causing 5-15 damage.  Because the mystic is concen-
   trating so much on countering all INCOMING attacks, his offense
   becomes slightly worse, incurring a -1 (3%) to hit.  Lasts the same
   amount of time as shockshield.

Hammerhead grabs your wrist and throws you to the ground causing 10

Way of the bear:
   Change this so it gives +10 STR, -5 agil and +1 damage.

Way of the eagle *NEW*:
Level 19, 12 kai.
By focusing on the incredible sight of the eagle, you are able to spot
even the most skillfully hidden opponents!

   Bestows the ability to see hidden people and gives +5 to perception.

Way of the horse *NEW*:
Level 20, 8 kai.
By focusing on the strength and power of the horse, you are able to kick
with incredible accuracy and power.

   +1 to hit (3%) and +4 maximum damage to kicks and jumpkicks.

Hypnotic hands:
   This power actually does nothing, that I've seen.  It was supposed to
   be confusion, but giving that to mystics made them a little too
   powerful, so if this power was made a more powerful version of the
   mage spell vulnerability it'd be ok.  -10 AC, -10 MR seems fair.  8

Way of the wolf *NEW*:
Level 23, 16 kai.
By focusing on the wolf's pwerful hunting abilities, you are able to
track your foes to where ever they may be!

   Bestows tracking as per the mystic's stats.

Way of the exploding fist:
   Change it so it instead gives fire damage per hit, the same idea as
   the flametongue.  1-3 fire damage seems fair.  Mystics already do
   enough damage with their crits without needing a spell-like effect
   that can do 50-100 damage guaranteed.  Maybe change its name then to
   way of the flaming hands or flaming fists or something.

Pressure points:
   I haven't seen this power actually DO anything.  I heard it gives a
   bonus to crits, but I never noticed much of a difference.  Perahps if
   it increased MA visibly so people would know what they were getting?

Hand of Death:
   Its duration should be cut down a bit, as should its damage - perhaps
   4 instead of 6?  Also stops the target from being healed by any means
   except resting.

Total new KAI powers: 9.
Total KAI powers: 25.


Protection from evil/good: Increase to double normally acquired benefits.

Holy aura/unholy aura: Same as prot. from good/evil.

Disrupt: Made good only.

Restful mind *NEW*: Makes mana regeneration the same as when regen is cast on someone.
Level 17, 14 mana. Priest-3 only.

God's wrath: Made good only.

Unholy wrath *NEW*: same level, casting cost, damage,
etc. as god's wrath, but castable by evil only.

Other attack spells: I'd like to make good and evil versions
of all the spells (then neutral would be a cow), but I just can't think
up any decent names for an evil version of, say, godstrike, or divine fury.

Control undead *NEW*: Like enslave and charm animal for undead creatures. It's already in the
game, just not accessible, so use whatever stats it has. Evil only.

Summon undead *NEW*: Summons a number of random undead
monsters, ranging from zombies to skeletons to moaning spirits, which appear
to aid the spellcaster with killing his target. The monsters arrive controlled,
as per the control undead spell, and have the same stats as the normal
versions, but give no xp for being killed. Base number of summoned undead
is 1, with +1 monster per 3 levels to a max of 5. Level 16 25 mana. Evil
only. Priest-3 only.

Here is the stuff that I like the most out of this:

Quote from: Locke Cole on May 27, 2006, 02:11:47 AM

SHADOWRAITH (40%) Str 50 Hea 40 Agi 55 Int 30 Wis 30 Cha 20
Night Vision, Permanent Shadowform, Stealth, 50% Extra Damage from Fire

These strange creatures are shrouded in mystery. Their night black forms are all nearly identical, but their behavior is as diverse as any other race-- some Shadowraiths have been known to ruthlessly murder helpless passers-by, while others have saved entire caravans from marauding bandits. All Shadowraiths avoid other races, as misunderstandings inevitably arise, although they are not evil. They are powerful, silent foes, and have caused many a nightmare.

I like the idea of shadowraith race I think it would be a good base for having a sneaking tank something which is currently lacking in the game. I would suggest though giving it some resist cold to oppose the negative to fire. This isn?t necessary to really play them but I think it would balance them out a little more.

QuoteTROLLKIN (40%) Str 50 Hea 70 Agi 30 Int 25 Wis 25 Cha 25
-5 AC, NO Spells/Powers, Healing Rate +50%

The brutish Trollkin are cousins to their evil relatives, the Trolls. While the average Trollkin is not as large or powerful as a true Troll, neither are they evil as a rule. Reckless and stupid, yes, but not truly evil. They are roughly the same height as half-ogres, but are far thinner, with long arms, and possess the same uncanny healing rate as Trolls. Oddly, it is impossible for a Trollkin to cast any sort of spell or use any form of power.

I use to hate the idea of the trollkin as with out the ability to use magic of any sort they would not get used with the majority of classes. However they are quite unique and do present a viable race for atleast two classes.

QuoteWARDANCER (225%)
Combat 5, 5-8 HP, Any Weapon, Robes, Mage-1 magic.
25% Dodge.

Wardancers are the elite of the elven fighting class. Bred from birth into this prestigious position, a prospective Wardancer spends his entire life training in the art of battle. Eschewing heavy armour for speed, a veteran Wardancer is a whirling maelstrom of carnage. They learn some spellcraft to aid them in combat, and this combination makes
them difficult to defeat.

I always like wardancers. From looking up information on them from other rpgs I?ve noticed that there are some other classes that are similar to this that might be cool to put in while were at it like blade singers or songblades.

QuoteLightning bolt: Mage-1
Stays the same mana and damage, but against people wearing metal
armour, its damage goes up considerably. The number shown in
parenthesis () is the percentage in damage that lightning bolt goes
up. All %'s are cumulative. Also note that all magical items are
assumed to be non-conductive, and are not affected by these
percentages. Mithril items (not fine items in general) are also not

Dayin fires a lightning bolt at you for 35 damage!
You shout in pain as arcs of lightning dance about your armour.
You take 42.70 (43) damage from the electricity!
*See below*

Dayin fires a lightning bolt at Baelros for 35 damage!
Baelros shouts in pain as arcs of lightning dance about his armour.

Lightning damage I like the idea of having extra damage from some spell effects however the way they have it coded here isn?t very good.

The best way I could suggest doing something like this would be to hard code it into the materials damage would then be dealt based on the type of material and the weight of the item. This would allow every class a little susceptible to this effect. However the damage dealt this way should not exceed the amount of the spell causing the secondary effect so this would also need to be looked at. I would think that a good number to keep it around would be no more then 25% of the damage of the spell causing the secondary effect. I don?t agree that magical items should be instantly free from this I would like to see it use magic ratings in reducing the amount of final damage though.

I would also like to see fire damage work this way perhaps with chances for extended tick down burn damage.

QuoteMagnetism *NEW*: Mage-2
Level 19, 18 mana.
This spell creates a powerful magnetic field, trapping foes in heavy

Causes targets wearing heavy armour to become immobilised and slowed
for the duration of its effect. This would include:
Chainmail (made mostly of iron)
Brigandine (boiled leather, but has large iron bands to provide
Half-plate (a suit of metal...)
Light plate (a big suit of metal)
Full plate (a big, heavy suit of metal)

Lasts for 5 rounds, fully resistable.

I know people are going to complain about scale not being affected
(everyone except WH's that is), but it doesn't contain enough iron
in any of its components to be realistically affected by this spell.

Note that all magical and mithril items are non-magnetic.

If it was possible to make it that if the person that was effected
was only effected for as long as he had his armour on (as in if he
removed it he'd be ok), that would make the spell more realistic.
But from my understanding it's not currently possible, so it's fine
like this.

I also like the idea of Magnetism however scale should be included real scalemail actually contains as much or more metal then chainmail because most types of scalemail are made with a backing of chainmail. I again would say that magic items shouldn?t be fully free of this type of effect. It should be left up to the magic rating of the item. Each point of magic in the items rating could reduce the amount of rounds the effect last for.

So a magic item with the level of 5 would be immune. But a rating 4 would be affected for at least 1 round provided that we went with a total of 5 rounds for the effect. If magnetism was coded as an, ability we could easily use the abilities variable to control the number of rounds. I could see a spell effect like this being interesting in magical traps as well as normal spells.

QuoteNegate magic *NEW*:

*NOTE: This spell has been removed. Due to limitations within the
code, it is not possible the way I wanted it - at this time.
Having it negate ALL the spells cast on someone would be too powerful,
or too expensive to be any use, but since it can't be done any other
way, I don't want to put it in until it can be done right. It's no
longer counted in the final spell totals.

I?ve played around with the negate spell as it was left in the data and it is quite interesting. I would love to see this get put in to greatermud. The problem that mmud had with it was there was no way to know what the full name of a spell once it?s been cast on you. This could easily be changed so that instead of having a line like you feel powerful under the stat page you see the name of the spell followed by a dash and the spell message.

The negate spell was meant to be cast on a spell in order to dispel it. Such as:
Negate rotting flesh
You would then get a message which was never put in.
You cast Negate on rotting flesh!
Followed by a line giving rotting fleshes ending message.

Or something to the existent of: You cast negate on rotting flesh but fail!

Non of the messages where present though when I got to mess around with it.

The cost of a spell like this though should be variable based on the cost of the spell that is to be negated. So if the spell has a mana cost of 3 the cost to negate it might be 5 roughly 1 ? the cost rounded up.

QuoteInvisibility *NEW*: Mage-3
Level 24, 40 mana.
This spell makes the target invisible!

Makes it so the person casting it becomes automatically hidden, and
moves from room to room without making any entry or exit messages.
They are NOT, however, sneaking. If people look in a room with an
invisible person, they will not see him even if he had moved from a
previous room. The person be searched out at a -60 to perception
(there are other forms of detection than sight: smell, hearing, etc.)
If the person attacks anyone, casts a non combat spell, wields an
item, etc., the spell is broken and they are visible. If they try to
backstab someone (assuming they have stealth), they have to sneak or
hide as normal, but can then backstab. After the initial backstab,
the spell wears off. If they attack normally while invisible, they
don't generate attack messages, so they get a surprise round, of
sorts. Once they attack, the spell is broken. The spell is castable
on other people, as well as the mage. Its duration is 30 seconds
(about 6 rounds). Also, note that the mage can still be tracked.
They're invisible but they obviously leave footprints.

*Note*: I've raised this spell's level and casting cost significantly,
to reflect its power and usefulness. Once it's cast, the
mage is severely drained for mana, which might otherwise
have been used for attack spells, or whatever.

You close your eyes and bow your head in concentration.
Your body shimmers for a moment and fades from view!
You are invisible!

Dayin closes his eyes and bows his head.
Dayin shimmers for a moment and fades from view!

I love the idea of having invisibility in the game but I think it should be treated like an instant better hide that can't be searched out. You should also be able to backstab or rest when invisible all other action commands however should break the spells effect.

A counter spell and a see invisible ablility and spell should also be coded in to work with this inorder to make the spell have some faults though.