Arena Tournament Games:

Started by The Crazy Animal, July 08, 2006, 09:12:48 PM

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July 08, 2006, 09:12:48 PM Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 04:05:00 AM by The Crazy Animal
It use to be ok that the only feature of the arena was weapon testing and a little no-risk PVP. However, I think this really needs to change and the area need to become more of a major entertainment based concept in the game. In doing so the no-risk PVP needs to be expanded to provide additional ways those players can have fun while PVPing in the realms many arenas.

Each of these arena games need to be player spawn-able from the arena complexes and would be held in special arenas made for each specific event. Each of these events would be announced over the gossip channel be joinable from the location that you currently in the game. (The event teleport system would record your current location hp and mana count and at the end of the event or by use of the leave event command would return you to that same location in the same condition you left for the event in.) After the players have arrived at the event staging location the player that spawned the even would simply type start event.

Join event <event name> - teleports you to the event area.
Leave Event <event name> - leaves an event even if it hasn?t ended yet.


Capture the flag ? This is a two team PVP event the first team to retrieve the opposing and bring it back to their flag room wins.

Mass Arena Battle ? This is a timed multi player frag style game where players are awarded a token per pvp kill. When the time limit runs out the player with the most tokens is declared the winner.

Grand (creature) Hunt ? This is a timed multi player event. The objective of the hunt is to kill and collect the corpse items of a particular type of monster. The when a players dies in this event he drops all of the corpse items that he has collected so far in the event and is randomly teleported to another part of this games arena. The type of arena for this event would be tailored to the type of creature the hunt revolves around. So if you?re hunting rats it might be sewer arena or if you?re hunting dragons it might be a dark cavern.

King of the mountain ? This is a time multi player PVP race type event. The objective of this game is to get to and remain at the top of the arena?s summit for the duration of the event. When players are killed they are re-spawned at the bottom of the mountains paths. To make things more interesting the many of the paths and ledges of the mountain would have chance booby-trap spells to slow progression up to the summit.

Gambling Arena:

Prizefighter?s Duel - This is a two player PVP, multi player gambling event in which any players can wager a set bet amount on the outcome of the battle. The total cash pot of the event would be divided among the wining gamblers minus a percent portion set aside for the winner of the match.


Illusionary Realms Arena - (non-contest PVP Arena) This arena starting point would transport you to arena areas of different types like jungles, sewers, forest, swamps, mazes? Each area would have its own pit falls, traps, and other interesting room spells, and chance spells that affect a character?s ability to survive the terrain itself let alone survive while in combat with other players. These arenas are meant to give a more exciting risk free pvp experience then those previously offered by mmud.

I also thought that a maze would be a neat idea. Basicly your transported to a parallel map of one already in play but you are told you need to find your way to another location (like if you were in the labyrinth and you had to find your way into the ancient crypt). If you pick big open areas or ones that are quite confusing naturally it could be alot of fun. Randomize the starting locations or even have the people compeating be going for differrent goals. I would have it so that if you are killed in there you go back to wherever you started the round at. Also would be a great tool for just learing the places better (something that was lacking in mmud where people would just stay on the regular paths).

QuoteMass Arena Battle ? This is a timed multi player frag style game where players are awarded a token per pvp kill. When the time limit runs out the player with the most tokens is declared the winner.

This could also be first to 25 kills. And a great way to gamble. Have it cost however much to get in and a winner takes all type game.

No reason not to make both styles.  I'm not sure exactly how I'd want this built but I assume it be easy to make.

Both of those are good ideas.

Maybe we could have options for the frag style games so the players could decide on the winning conditions right before they enter the arena. such as: last player out, max frags, sudden death count down... At any rate the ideal would be to have it so players can manage their own pvp tournaments with out having to have active game-ops at keys.

I really like mazes too. It would be nice to have a number of mazes that could be picked randomly when a group enters the main starting area so they don't get the same terrain over and over again. Then from there they could be sent to random spawn points within the chosen maze.

Easy enough to do, so long as each maze had the same room names and descriptions you wouldnt have much of an issue with megamud, and maps.

January 01, 2007, 05:57:54 AM #5 Last Edit: January 01, 2007, 03:55:54 PM by The Crazy Animal
The mazes would hopefully be hand played areas where people wouldn't want to use megamud anyway so I don't see mega as an issue. (snip for drunken ramblings) As for room names and or descriptions some could be the same or could be different between the mazes or both. Making the descriptions all the same between the different maps would be really confusing for anyone going into them.

One of the other thoughts on mazes is to do a large 3D maze and then have multiple copies of it with the room names and descriptions swaped around so that each time you go in it makes it seem if the mazes sections have moved around (so you might find your self in section red 1 (normal) and walk into in section blue 1 (wall). We could actually present it as a non-grabable item in the game that the players get shrunk and teleported into kind of like a magic rubix cube arena. "Maybe have the players eat a magic pill (makes you smaller) to get into it and find and take a second magic pill (makes you larger) in the maze to get out. then we could have chance encounters with a white rabbit that teleports you to other parts of the maze... lol have to love alice refrences..."

hehe any takers on turning this into a mud map:

Do you know how many people would quit after they died in there.  Any idea?  I'm guessing 80%

'Do you know, I always thought Unicorns were fabulous monsters, too?  I never saw one alive before!' 'Well, now that we have seen each other,' said the Unicorn, ' if you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you.'

haha ya I was thinking giant showcase arena to get around that. I just thought it would be cool to have a map that well said greatermud. Hell we could even just use each individual letter as a individual arena.

Man each letter has as many rooms as the baseline mmud module.

lol I don't think its that many... Grin you could put one letter in for each greatermud module :)

I was actually thinking of posting some of these mazes (smaller ones that is) as contests in the editing section to see if anyone wants to turn them into maps.

Btw that was generated with that maze software link I sent you just so you know.

I know, I don't know that i really care for that software (for map creation that is), it either becomes too simple or too big.

I'm still on the wall with some of its functions the small mazes it does are no worse the silvermeres portal arena. I agree though that in order to really make them intresting they tend to get rather large. I think some of it is just in finding the right size to make them work well. I'll play with it for a few more days if I can find the magic values for size I'll let you know. If not I'll check out some of the other maze software out there.