Realm Stats:

Started by The Crazy Animal, November 30, 2006, 10:57:06 AM

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I was just thinking it would be cool if the game could generate its own stats using the records from the database and displayed on an info page on the game menu. It doesn?t take a lot of thought to understand how this info would be of use so I?m just leaving it as it would be cool both for designers and players.

Realm stats:
Weapons Count: # "could even go down to unique weapons to race or class"
Armour Count # "could even go down to unique worn items to race or class"
Room Count: #
Monster Count: #
Spell Count: # - ?If you have each spell that is player available tagged with a trash ability value it would be more accurate?
Total Number of Players: #
Total player bank account value: #

Class and Race Breakdown: ?This part would need to be dynamic?
Race #: ?name?, Number of players: #
Class #: ?name?, Number of players: #

Quest Breakdown: ?This could list the number of players that have finished each quest?
Quest Ability #, Value #: ?Quest Name?, Number of players: #

Sounds cool (and easy to implement).

This is a bit random, but I used to play TradeWars back on Aussie's BBS (which turned into the Coffee Break BBS) with this guy called Talon Hawk.? He was about as hardcore a text-based gamer as you could get.? Anyway, I was the first person on our board to discover this nifty bug (called the FAT bug) that allowed me to make waaaaaay more money than anyone else.? Wouldn't you know, Talon Hawk found out by watching the game stats.? :-\

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Ya gamestats are great like that. I figured that it shouldn't be hard to do since the data is easy to pull already. It would be cool if we could get more detailed stats too. It would be cool if we could get it to report enough info to identify power balance issues.

However even stupid stats could be fun like:
Most rats killed: #, "Player: name"

Oh Tradewars, I miss warping my planet animalcrapia around..

You know they have development going on for a new version tradewars.
Heres the site:

I wonder if we could talk them into donating or making the classic txt version run on your gameserver so it doesn't get lost forever... Would be nice to get all the classics on one system you know :)

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on November 30, 2006, 08:57:31 PM
Ya gamestats are great like that. I figured that it shouldn't be hard to do since the data is easy to pull already. It would be cool if we could get more detailed stats too. It would be cool if we could get it to report enough info to identify power balance issues.

However even stupid stats could be fun like:
Most rats killed: #, "Player: name"

Oh Tradewars, I miss warping my planet animalcrapia around..

You know they have development going on for a new version tradewars.
Heres the site:

I wonder if we could talk them into donating or making the classic txt version run on your gameserver so it doesn't get lost forever... Would be nice to get all the classics on one system you know :)
Assuming GMUD were complete, if I were ever going to tackle another telnet game, it would hands down be TradeWars.  Raids in that game were so intense, both on offense and defense.  Another cool thing about it was it basically forced you to interact with others.  That's probably why it wasn't for everybody; you couldn't help but take it personally when someone destroyed months worth of your work.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Grin I know we talked about it once before...

I liked that it was a game that you didn't have to spend all day playing to get somewhere unlike muds 50 turns could go by quite quick and net you alot of progress.